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Publishing Research Findings in the Humanities and Social Sciences


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Zielgruppe: Promovierende und PostDocs                                               Sprache: Englisch                                        Dauer: 2 Tage                                 Anmeldung: 2 Wochen vorher Teilnehmerzahl: 12


Sollten Sie an dem Workshop nicht teilnehmen können, melden Sie sich bitte frühzeitig (spätestens 6 Werktage vorher) ab, damit wir den Platz weitervergeben können. Wenn Sie krankheitsbedingt nicht teilnehmen können, legen Sie bitte eine Bescheinigung Ihres Arztes vor.

Datum Uhrzeit Ort/Raum
05.-06.05.2022 9am-5pm Online

This two-day online literacy course addresses doctoral researchers who are interested in writing an Introduction section while rationalizing their drafting and revising skills and deepening their understanding of journal requirements with regard to text genre.
Participants will be invited to adopt the Writing Process Approach in drafting and revising a 600-word Introduction to be submitted ahead of the course. This writing sample will be returned to them with editing notes and an invitation for individual trainer feedback scheduled during the course.
Course participants will equally be asked to select and submit a published research article authored by a leading scientist in their field ahead of the course. These model research articles will serve the purpose of analysing the line of argument adopted and developing relevant content in one’s own Introduction. Moreover, participants will refer to these model research articles to study the organization of content and the structural elements of style that make up text genre in their discipline.
Participants will additionally take part in a writing experiment that will enable them to practice the distinct phases of the Writing Process Approach as well as giving and receiving peer feedback.

  • Drafting and revising a 600-word Introduction section for trainer feedback
  • Selecting and submitting a published research article authored by a leading scientist
  • Analysing the line of argument in model research articles
  • Developing content in one’s own Introduction
  • Recognizing the discipline specifics of text genre in model research articles:
    - Outlining the organization of content
    - Exploring the use of structural elements of style
  • Practicing the Writing Process Approach (writing experiment)
  • Giving and receiving peer feedback
  • Evaluating course achievements and setting future goals

Online course design
In a blended learning environment, this course combines remote Zoom conference meetings, which include forum debates, small group discussions, and guided individual work. Participation in the video conference meetings via audio and video is therefore required in order to validate attendance.

English language skills
A prerequisite to benefit from this course is that participants should have achieved the English level C1 of the  Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and be progressing towards level C2.

  • individual practise and group sessions
  • writing and rewriting samples
  • theme-focused peer and trainer feedback

Professor Monique Dorang, PhD, is a trainer and consultant for academic writing and publishing. She conducts courses for graduates and postdocs in collaboration with graduate schools and research centres and offers editing and counselling for scientific authors.

