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The philGRAD-Office

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Managing director

Dr. Kristina Rubarth
Building: 23.21
Floor/Room: 01.78
Zur Zeit in Elternzeit

Photo of© Manorlux

Managing Coordinator by proxy

Dr. Gina Möller
Building: 23.21
Floor/Room: 01.78
+49 211 81-13134

On parental leave
Photo of© HHU/ Medienlabor

Secretariat philGRAD / PhD Office

Sarah Krings
Representation philGRAD secretariat
Photo of© privat

Koordinationsbüro philGRAD

Elena John
Building: 23.21
Floor/Room: 01.80
+49 211 81-15467

Our doctoral student representatives

Katharina Frehmann and Frenzis H. Scheffels from the ranks of the doctoral students at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities are committed to the interests of the community of young academics. They can be contacted for all questions and concerns regarding doctoral studies. They regularly organise the popular doctoral students' get-together - digital and analogue - to exchange ideas.


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