Here we have compiled some frequently asked questions together with our answers. If your question might not have been answered in detail, you are invited to contact us via Mail or in person.
General questions on doctoral studies at the Faculty of Philosophy
All information on obtaining the doctorate and the formal procedure, the valid doctoral regulations, all forms and contact information of the PhD office and the Graduate Academy philGRAD are clearly arranged on our website of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.
(Kopie 2)
If you have any questions concerning the formalities of your doctorate (registration, admission, doctoral regulations, etc.), please contact the of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Julia Siep will be happy to help you.
If you have any questions regarding the different phases of your doctorate, the workshop programme, the promotion and financing of your doctorate, career goals, coaching and counselling services, in case of conflict, writer's block and motivation holes, and much more, please contact the . Simone Brandes will be happy to support you in all matters and challenges!
General questions about the Graduate Academy philGRAD
All doctoral candidates who have been accepted at least provisionally as a doctoral reserachers at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at HHU can participate in the philGRAD workshops and counselling offers. Doctoral students of the Faculty of Law and Economics can also benefit from the philGRAD offers. Please contact the by email.
All postdocs and doctoral staff of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities who have submitted an application for admission can take advantage of the workshops and counselling services offered by philGRAD and the other Heine Research Academies (iGRAD, medRSD, JUNO).
All doctoral researchers of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the Heinrich Heine University as well as all PostDocs and doctoral staff members who have been admitted to the Graduate Academy by means of an application for admission can participate in the offers of the Graduate Academy philGRAD free of charge at any time.
If you are interested, please send an to the coordination office.
Registrations for workshops offered by the other graduate academies medRSD and iGRAD must also be made by via the philGRAD coordination office.
First of all we would like to start by congratulating warmly on this outstanding success!
When you successfully complete your doctorate AND leave the university, you automatically leave the Graduate Academy community. However, we would be very pleased if you remained connected to us as an alumnus or alumna. In addition, once you have successfully completed your doctorate, you will have the opportunity to apply for a Doctorate Transcript issued by philGRAD.
Questions concerning the annual supervision meetings
The supervision meeting takes place once a year with your supervision team (first supervisor and mentor). It is a transparent and reliable procedure, goals and agreements for the progress of your doctoral project that is to be set down in writing and subsequently reviewed by all those involved. In the Download Centre you will find a template for the minutes, which you can download and describe digitally. Please submit a copy of the minutes of the progress meeting, signed by all team members, to the Doctoral Office.
Supervision meetings should take place once a year, i.e. every 12 months after final acceptance as a doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. The deadline begins with the date of your final acceptance or your last progress review.
If you have restarted your admission in philGRAD, the deadline begins with the date of admission, which you will find on the confirmation of admission you have received. In all cases, we will gladly remind you by email 2 months before your next progress meeting is due. Please remember to arrange an appointment in good time.
The recorded supervision meeting is part of the supervision agreement. It serves to check the research and time schedule of your doctoral project, to describe the qualification measures that have taken place and are planned during the doctoral process, to provide feedback and to agree on further dates and arrangements.
General questions about the workshops and events
A complete overview of the courses and events offered by philGRAD and all its partners can be found on our homepage. Here you can view detailed course descriptions, all course contents in detail and upcoming dates.
In addition, you will receive regular information via our regular newsletter.
Participation in the events and courses of philGRAD is reserved for the doctoral and postdcotral researchers of the Graduate Academy.
As a part of philGRAD, you can also take advantage of all interdisciplinary offers of the other graduate academies of the Heine Research Academies (iGRAD, medRSD, HeRA, JUNO).
philGRAD has entered into a cooperation with the Graduate Academies medRSD (Faculty of Medicine) and iGRAD (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) and JUNO to create synergies, especially in the workshop programme. If you are interested in a course offered by medRSD or iGRAD, you can also participate as a doctoral and postdoctoral researcher of philGRAD, provided that the workshop is interdisciplinary. Nevertheless, please contact the philGRAD Office, as your official registration must be made through philGRAD.
If you want to take part in a course, you must officially register for that course. Please contact the philGRAD Office by email. When registering, please provide the exact details (especially title, date and time, doctoral subject) of the course so that your registration can be clearly assigned. You will then receive an official confirmation of registration. Unregistered participation is not possible.
Once you have officially and bindingly registered for a course and have received an official confirmation of registration, your place is firmly reserved for you. If you are not able to attend the course after all, please inform the coordination office immediately and in good time (at least 7 days in advance).
ATTENTION: If you do not cancel your registration or do not cancel in time, philGRAD may have to charge you a fee of up to 200€. An exception is, of course, in case of illness. In this case, please submit a certificate so that philGRAD can refrain from issuing an invoice.
The events and courses of philGRAD are only open to doctoral and postdoctoral researchers of the graduate academies philGRAD, medRSD and iGRAD. All members of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities can take advantage of the counselling services as well as the coaching offers. Doctoral students from other universities are unfortunately not able to participate in the philGRAD programme of events.
Questions about the costs
Admission to the Graduate Academy philGRAD is free of charge.
Once you have been actively accepted into the philGRAD community, you can attend all workshops free of charge. Attending the workshops of the other graduate academies iGRAD and medRSD is also free of charge for you. Take advantage of the diverse offers to qualify yourself during and after your doctorate.
philGRAD attaches great importance to the networking of its doctoral students. Annual network meetings, conferences, workshops and regulars' tables are very good offers and opportunities to meet and exchange with like-minded people.
Doctoral researchers of the Graduate Academy philGRAD have founded the doctoral network philFAELTIG to network and support each other. It is an open forum on Rocket.chat. If you are interested, please contact:
Our doctoral representatives are also your contacts for all matters relating to doctoral studies. They offer a regular doctoral students' get-together for a sociable exchange - analogue and/or digital.
Furthermore, the Heine Research Academies, with formats such as the HeRA Lunch, Welcome Days, Careers Day and pART of research calendar, offer numerous opportunities to network with the community of young researchers at Heinrich Heine University across faculty boundaries. For more information, see www.hera.hhu.de.
Open questions, suggestions and feedback
If you have any suggestions for the workshop program or would like to provide feedback on philGRAD events, please take part in our online evaluations, which we send to all participants by e-mail after each workshop. This way your feedback reaches us anonymously. You are also welcome to contact the philGRAD coordination office directly by e-mail.