Participation requirements and conditions
Workshops, Events and Dates
Below you can find any dates and information according to any events and offers by philGRAD and our partners from Heine Research Academies (HeRA). As a member of philGRAD, you are free to join any of these courses and offers. But please notice, that any request and registration is needed to be handled by our . Just mail us and we will take care.
Führung und Betreuung von Doktorand*innen – Fachliche Führungskompetenz in Wissenschaft
Informationsveranstaltung zu „Handlungsoptionen und Gesprächsleitfaden für Beratungsgespräche in Belastungssituationen“
philGRAD workshops structured by areas of competences
The course "Introduction to Good Scientific Practice" is a compulsory course within the doctoral program. It is advisable to take this course in the initial phase of your doctoral studies so that you can address your questions and concerns early on and receive helpful support right at the beginning. Here you can find an overview of the dates. If you would prefer to take part in a course in English please contact the philGRAD Office.
Getting started. Einstieg in die Promotion
Effektiv und effizient arbeiten. Projekt- und Zeitmanagement für Promovierende
Die eigene Zukunft gestalten. Karriereplanung für Promovierende und promovierte Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen
Zielgerichtet bewerben. Systematisch zum Erfolg im Bewerbungsprozess
Methoden der qualitativen Sozialforschung für Doktorand/innen aller Fachrichtungen